Digest  PM-3 (New Shepard)

Vehicle Date Altitude Mission Result

PM-3  No.1


93.5 km Test of the landing system

Landing after defect not successful; destroyed

PM-3  No.2 23.11.2015 100.5 km Separation of booster and capsule


Booster and capsule, after the separation, successfully landed

22.01.2016 101.7 km
02.04.2016 103.4 km
19.06.2016 101.0 km
05.10.2016 93.7 km Test of the capsule-escape system

Booster and capsule, after the separation with the escape system, successfully landed

PM-3  No.3 12.12.2017 100.6 km Test of the new crew capsule 2.0

Booster and capsule, after the separation, successfully landed

29.04.2018 105.9 km
18.07.2018 118.8 km
23.01.2019 106.9 km
02.05.2019 105.6 km
11.12.2019 104.5 km
13.10.2020 107.0 km
PM-3  No.4 14.01.2021 105.8 km
14.04.2021 106.3 km
20.07.2021   106 km First crewed launch  Successful
26.08.2021 105.6 km NASA equipment test

Booster and capsule, after the separation, successfully landed

13.10.2021 106 km Second crewed launch  Successful
11.12.2021   Third crewed launch  Successful
31.03.2022   Fourth crewed launch


04.06.2022    Fifth crewed launch  Successful
04.08.2022   Sixth crewed launch  Successful
12.09.2022   Uncrewed launch  Booster anomaly and crash. Escape system worked and allowed the capsule to land.